Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Server monitoring is a rather challenging responsibility for new VPS customers – you have to keep an eye on how your server is doing, to determine if it’s under excessive load, to check if all the services are running correctly. It is a task that requires undivided attention, and you most probably don’t the needed time to optimally handle this. By reason of this we offer that we do the job for you. If you make use of our Admin Services solution, we will be keeping a constant eye on your Virtual Private Server and all the services running on it. In this way you will have more time for your sites or web applications.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Backing up a Linux Virtual Private Server isn’t the easiest thing on earth. You will either need to use a separate server or your desktop PC, or, alternatively utilize a 3rd–party software. Our company offers a considerably simpler and easier solution with our Admin Services package. We will create a complete backup of your VPS once a week, so you never need to worry about permanently losing any key data. And we can always recover a backup copy very quickly. All backups we make are saved on a special machine with a RAID array of hard drives, so if anything happens to any part of your stored web content, we’ve got you covered.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • Whilst a Virtual Private Server offers you a nearly endless number of options, you will sometimes have to install additional software applications. And that’s where our Installation & Troubleshooting service can help you out. It’s an integral part of our Admin Services offer, which entitles you to demand any of our professional technical support engineers to install any kind of software application and to resolve any trouble you may have with your VPS server.

    The Admin Services package comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers. It’s an add–on for our KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers.

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