Stats Manager
All of the website stats collected in real time

Through the Web Hosting Control Panel, you will be able to manage every aspect of your Internet presence. You will have access to thorough stats, which will present you with up–to–the–minute information on the hosting resources your web sites are using and the views they’re receiving. You will also find numerous important info about Bamfoxx Webhost’s servers as a whole. The info is broken into areas, so you can easily find your way around.
Server Information and Facts
Look into the server’s OS, IP address, and so forth.
From the Stats Manager part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll get up–to–date information about the web server such as the Operating System currently in use or the physical IP address of your web hosting account. In addition, one can find valuable information for your own website design projects like the present variations of PHP, MySQL and Perl, and also the installed Perl modules. Email server information such as sendmail path or the incoming and outgoing maill servers is also incorporated.
All of the web hosting server information is offered in a comprehensible fashion so that you can easily find the details that you require.
Access & Error Listing
Quickly detect any website efficiency issues
The Access and Error Logs document information about the web server, such as details of server access as well as the types of faults encountered during server performance. You can get both forms of info on the operation of your web sites from the Stats Manager area of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
The access log records all the text files, image files, movie files, etc. that people have got required to check out with your website, while the error log records just about all warnings and errors the hosting server has spotted since the log file was made.
Web Traffic Stats
Monitor your website visitors live
Following the site stats of your web site is the ideal way to observe how your marketing plan is working. From the Web Hosting Control Panel integrated web reports applications – Webalizer and Awstats, you will see the volumes of visitors that come to your site, as well as the amount of views they generate and web pages they load on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.
To analyze the stats data, proceed to the Web Stats area of the Web Hosting Control Panel and then open the stats file for a certain website. You don’t have to setup anything on your side. We activate the statistics once your site goes online and begins making visitors.
CPU Stats
Track your websites’ CPU load
The web server’s CPU is really important for the communication between your web site and its visitors. The more complicated and resource–intensive your sites are, the more server assets and CPU time will be necessary for them to run.
From the CPU stats part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, it will be easy to keep track of the employment of CPU resources accumulated by each of your websites. This will let you consider appropriate actions and enhance your websites in case the CPU utilization allowance has been reached. You can see extensive CPU statistics for each day and month or even for an entire calendar year.