Through the Databases Manager built into the Web Hosting Control Panel, it is also possible to create completely new MySQL and PgSQL databases straight away! Also, you’ll possess immediate access to the administrative area software programs (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), to help you to effortlessly modify the database you want.

Tidy and Straightforward User interface

Control all of your databases from a single location

The Databases Manager inside the Web Hosting Control Panel contains a robust but still convenient user interface. You’ll be able to configure a brand new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just entering a user name and security password. Additionally, you could make a back–up file or change the security password of the database with just a mouse click.

From the Databases Manager you will possess immediate access to the administrator area for all your databases, in order to make easy alterations should you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Quick Database Data backup

Back up your databases in just a minute

We have changed the manual database backup formation into a quite easy activity. To do so: in the Databases Manager, click the ’clock’ image next to the database that you would like to back up and afterwards wait for a couple of seconds for the backup process to take place. Depending upon the size of your database, the creation of a back–up file will take somewhere between a couple of seconds and a minute.

You may make as many copies per database as you wish. We haven’t set any confines about the volume of databases you could back up as well.

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PgSQL Support

By far the most stable open source databases

The majority of Bamfoxx Webhost’s Linux shared web hosting services packages present PgSQL support. While dropping behind MySQL in terms of level of popularity and employment, PgSQL databases are renowned for giving the greatest level of stability for your site content material. It is the reason why companies such as Skype and Yahoo make use of PgSQL databases instead of MySQL.

In terms of database management, PgSQL is identically uncomplicated as MySQL.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

With Bamfoxx Webhost, you’ll inevitably discover the most up–to–date variant of MySQL as well as the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, mounted.

InnoDB is definitely more reliable in comparison to the past storage engine’s version – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, even more importantly – it provides full transaction support. You’ll find, it makes use of row–level locking, as opposed to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that previously used to cause effectiveness problems at peak usage occasions.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Thorough stats for all of your databases

Checking the load caused by the databases for your powerful website assists you to stop all sorts of overload difficulties that might slow it down and chase away website visitors. For this specific purpose, we have provided a in depth Database Stats tool directly into the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you can see thorough info on the inbound requests to your databases for every hour, day and month.

Based on the amount of daily and by the hour queries, you are able to find out what databases are used the most as well as consider measures to optimize their load.

Hepsia File Manager